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How to delete your Instagram account In 2023

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These days we share a lot of personal information on social networks. Maybe, maybe a little. Although removing yourself from all social media can be extreme, we understand why people might take it. If you're in that boat, here's how to get started with deleting your Instagram account.

How to delete Instagram account in 2023

See also: How to change your Instagram privacy settings

Quick answer

To delete your Instagram account, use any browser to visit Instagram's dedicated delete page. Log in, choose your reason for leaving, re-enter your password, and hit the delete [username] button

Should your Instagram account be deleted or disabled?

Getting rid of your Instagram profile isn't too complicated, but there are a few things that are worth noting. First, there are two options to make your Instagram account disappear: you can delete it temporarily or permanently. The main difference is that deleting your account will permanently erase all your photos and videos. Hanging it will make your data invisible, but all your content will be there when you decide to go back.

For those taking this step, you may also want to check out our guide on how to delete a Facebook account. Ready? Let us guide you through the steps of each method.

How to temporarily disable your account

  1. Use a browser to go to Instagram.com (you can't do this from the Android app).
  2. sign in.
  3. Click the Profile button in the upper-right corner.
  4. Choose a profile.
  5. Next to your profile picture and username, select Edit Profile.
  6. Scroll down and select the Temporarily disable my account link.
  7. Choose a reason to disable your account.
  8. Enter the password again.
  9. Click the button that says Temporarily Disable Account.
  10. To reactivate the account, log in to it again.

Delete Instagram account in 2023
Deactivate Instagram account

How to permanently delete your account

  1. To delete an account from the browser, visit the dedicated Instagram page.
  2. If you are not logged in, you will need to do so.
  3. Select the reason for deleting the account.
  4. Enter the password again.
  5. Select the button that says: [Username] Delete.

People won't be able to access your content once they hit the delete button, but keep in mind that your account hasn't been completely erased yet. All data will stay in Instagram servers for 30 days, and you can still get it. The social network claims the deletion process can take up to 90 days, and we've learned that data can last longer in backups saved for emergencies. In addition, Instagram may keep certain information about you, such as legal issues, violations of terms, etc.

You can use ios app

While Android users can't deactivate or delete accounts from the Instagram app, iOS users can!

  1. Launch the iOS Instagram app.
  2. Click on the profile icon in the lower right corner.
  3. Press the three-line menu button.
  4. Go to settings.
  5. Select an account.
  6. Click on Delete Account.
  7. Select either Deactivate Account or Delete Account.
How to delete Instagram account in iOS app
Deactivated Instagram account in Android brother

Temporary delete Instagram account in 2023

yellow; Your Instagram account is now either temporary or permanent. If you come back, don't forget to follow WowTech5!

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